Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tidy mind, tidy stitches – 2KCBWDAY3

third day of the Second Annual Knitting and Crochet Blogging Week!!!

hello again from panagiota :)
how organised are my yarns??

ever since i started bringing home with me balls of yarn, needles, hooks, lovely buttons etc, i realised i have to have a place for them as they were starting to take over my room!
so in the beginning i had a big beautiful wooden box to keep them! and for a while it all was good!
but then they started multiplying.!!
well the truth is that after all these years i have many many many balls of yarn....
so with the help of my loving sister we organised them in one of my bed's drawers!
and now they look a bit like this (there are actually a lot more still in my beautiful wooden box)
of course every time i want to start a new project i go searching in and it needs some time to put them back there...
so i'm not really organised...
what i wish is that i had a whole room for my projects,
filled with lovely jars of buttons and ribbons, and my yarns would definatelly be on huge shelves !!
i guess i just have to wait to move to my own house!!

see you again tomorrow for another story!

knit well,


  1. Ooh, I would love to have a whole organized craft room ... something that looks a little like going into my own yarn store! But I think your solution makes sense for now. What a lovely yarn stash - I'm eyeing that black and white ball on the left!

  2. Oh that sounds wonderful, jars of buttons and ribbons! One day we will have our dream rooms!

  3. :D
    a friend once told me
    "some day... you'll make your dreams true!"

  4. oh and Dani,the basket on the wall looks really wonderfull too!!
    (it's now on my dream-list)

    (nice videos in youtube by the way!)

  5. Καλώς σας βρίσκω! Περάστε απ´ το μπλογκ μου και θα καταλάβετε ποιά Χριστίνα είμαι! Υπέροχο το μπλογκ σας! Όσο για το craft room θα σας πω από κοντά που έφτιαξαν το δικό μου! Πολλά φιλιά!

  6. ;) τέλεια, περιμένουμε λεπτομέρειες!
    ευχαριστούμε πολύ και για το σχόλιο!



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