Monday, May 9, 2011


Hallo there! I know it's been ages since the last time we blogged, but I guess we aren't used to it at all, cause I have toooons of stuff to blog about (thrifts, projects, interviews, photos) ...and I believe Panagiota too. Anyway , it's a promise that I will blog more often!

This last Sunday we had a vintage picnic party at alsos Veikou at Galatsi, the weather was just perfect , the people were the right ones and the mood chill! Hirollers were there to play for us (and for the other visitors of the park,also, who were just magnetized by our terrific group) and the Rollin Foxes were there also to dance and of course to eat some of the delicious sandwiches and pop corn and stuff the ladies had prepared.
I woke up early to prepare my own basket of goods. I took my thermos, my favorite afghan, wore my polka dots skirt, and off to the park!! Here are just some of the photos I shot that sunny sunny day! Let's do it again people!

my basket and my plaid thermos!

marietta ♥

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    Oh lala, πέρασε ο καιρός ε; Όπως θα ταν αναμενόμενο, έχουν γίνει άπειρα πράγματα από τον Οκτώβρη -που βλέπω εδώ ότι ανανέωσα για τελευτ...