Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year's resolution: 2013

  I am posting today for reviewing our last year's resolution and putting up some new goals! 
so let's see 

  1. CHECKblogging more frequently.  Maybe do a blog makeover also? Spending some more time on our blog is something we both wish to do, although it can be so tough with the everyday routines!
    Pretty tough goal!!! Although we did better than 2011, we didn't blog thaaat frequently. anyways I'm counting in this one..
  2. CHECKkeep having fun and dancing more.  We both adore dancing and we are proud members of The Rollin Foxes, the rock 'n' roll dance company of Athens!! All we have to do is keep on rollin! 
    Panagiota did this, while I was not such a dancer this year. Wow dude, how things do change!! I mean c'mmon, of course we still love to dance,  but Blue Fox and its dance group isn't on our weekly routine anymore. One can say it's a pity, but peoples' lifes change, (my best friend moved to another country, I'm mostly at Chalkida instead of Athens because of my fiance) and at the moment other stuff are more important than just having fun. Although we'll always love the super cool memories we have from that bar!
  3. CHECKdo more collaborations.  Yes! we have so much talented friends that would be a pity not to work with them on fun and creative projects this year...
    Yeap Yeap!!! We did that, and we have already some more collaborations planned out...
  4. do more outfit photo shoots for our blog.   mmmm yeah okaymmm yeah okay for sure. we didn't do that.
  5. set up a Double Crochets online shop. At the moment all of our creations are made exclusively for gifts and friends, it would be nice to do it for more professional reasons, too.
    We are still working on this! but we have made a lot of important steps!
  6. CHECKdocument our crochet meetings.  We already do this, but sometimes we get too obsessed with what we do and forget to document it! 
    Yes we did that , at least for as long as we had a crochet club! Unfortunately life has its own rules, and since we had small (or bigger) difficulties with our crochet club, we no longer have documents of it either.
  7. "spread the thread"!!  This is the tagline of  our blog and the main reason we started our crochet club, to teach more people how to crochet/knit and spread the love for needle work!! 
    Still willing to work more on this!
  8. organize a yarn exhibition.  With pictures of our favorite crafts and crafters, and some actual crocheted/knitted objects.
    nope, didn't do that.
  9. CHECKparticipate in a local craft bazaar. There is the Vintage and Crafts bazaar organized by Les Broderies Anglaises, happening at our favorite district (Exarheia), and we really love it, it's a dream of ours to participate to a bazaar of this kind. 
    Y-e-s sir!!!
  10. CHECKcrafting more.  crochet more, aaaaaand more, and more, and more!!!! okay some more knitting,sewing,embroidering would be awesome, too! Make do and mend more....  
    Definitely YES!!!!!

6/10 great score may I say!!  yay!

so for 2013!! (great combo of numbers by the way) we have some goals:

  1. Be a better blogger (will need: planning ahead, read more blogs, document more,shoot more photos, writing down, or sketching (why not), a journal for keeping track of the blog posts)
  2. Keep collaborating and connecting with people who share the same passions! 
  3. Set up an online shop (yes I'm putting this again!)
  4. Never stop crafting and learning new things! (a 365 project will help for this, but I have already tried "making an origami crane every day" on 2009 and I only made to 2 months. On the contrary when I tried a weekly project "Sunday's time reviews" for which I was posting, photos of my week, every Sunday for a whole year, I made it through)
  5. Be thankful to people who support us (thank you people who support us!!!)
  6. Stay united, no matter how far we may be next year!
  7. Manage to develop both and each of us, her own unique style on Double Crochets' products.
  8. Organise our studio, our craft supplies and our stash.
  9. Do a blog makeover, develop new packaging and bring new, fresh air on Double Crochets online.
  10. Stay happy ,free and creative!!! 

Things learnt: a) Imagination and creativity are important skills, don't waste them on people that don't deserve them. b) It's important to fortify your own brand/creations/ideas no matter how insignificant you might thing you are, but don't mind the copy-cats, they will not last c) Sometimes being a bitch is necessary, and the word "no", too.  d) Don't take anyone's shit e) As long as you are passionate about something , you will make it run!

yes that was it....
joy and hapiness to you and to your families!
♥ marietta


  1. Συγνώμη!Δυστυχώς δεν μπορώ να σχολιάσω κάτι επειδή δεν μπορώ να τα καταλάβω όλα απ' όσα λέτε!Αλλά οι εικόνες είναι πολύ ωραιες!!!!

    1. :)σε ευχαριστούμε πολύ για το σχόλιο σου Κατερίνα! δεν πειράζει που δεν τα καταλαβαίνεις όλα τα αγγλικά! Θα μάθεις σίγα σίγα! Συγχαρητήρια για το τέλειο μπλογκ σας!!!!



    Oh lala, πέρασε ο καιρός ε; Όπως θα ταν αναμενόμενο, έχουν γίνει άπειρα πράγματα από τον Οκτώβρη -που βλέπω εδώ ότι ανανέωσα για τελευτ...